Snowed In

After 4 days of ice, snow and very little sun shine there is hope!  The sun is out, the temperature today is predicted to be at least 40 degrees and I can hear the a steady stream of water off my roof, proof that the snow and ice is melting.  After 4 straight days with temperatures in the 20's I am ready for arctic blast 2011 to melt away!  There is talk of more cold temperatures and ice/snow in the…

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Turning Point

I wanted to share this, it had a profound effect on me a few Sundays ago at church when our pastor, Blair Richy, shared it in his sermon.  Each week he is incorporating inspirational readings, because who doesn't need inspiration.  Especially when making changes that move us in a positive direction.  Regardless of your faith or spiritual beliefs I hope you find encouragement in the passage below written by Bill Burch. 2011… A TURNING POINT… Today – I am stepping…

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A New Year, A New You, With Love

In the spirit of the new year I feel compelled to share my thoughts on new years resolutions and even some thoughts that friends and students have recently shared with me.  For the last several years I have not made a new years resolution because so many times I have failed in the past.  Another reason I do not make resolutions is my tendency to regularly focus inward and notice those areas in my life that need work  and try…

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