Moving Through Fear

Everyone experiences a range of emotions from ease & anxiety, peace & dis-ease, joy & sadness, the list of emotions goes on. Of all human emotions fear seems to be one of the most crippling. One morning not too long ago in church my Pastor spoke of how we must overcome fear to discover, develop & use our God given gifts & talents & how the spirit of grace is our surest path to moving through the pain & suffering fear can cause, to sharing our unique combination of gifts/talents with those around us (Pastor Blair Richey, Collin Creek Community Church).

This is a very important message to be reminded of! I move through varying degrees of fear as I take Bottoms Up Yoga (BUY) from a creative idea to a living, breathing business. BUY is still in the early stages of development, but as I reflect on where I started & where I am now it is exciting & it would not be a reality if I had not moved through a great deal of fear! In fact one of the most empowering acts to be done is one that requires you to move through some fear (not a fear that would jeopardize your wellbeing or the wellbeing of another).

Bottoms Up Yoga is a new adventure in my life & it is a risk that I am willing to take for the opportunity to share what I love, what I create & what I discover with those around me & those who seek it out. I want to encourage you all (y’all to those fellow Texans out there) to move through your fear and any other obstacles that are getting in the way of discovering what gifts God has given you & wants to continue to develop in you. Look at fear as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone & grow as a person. Know that fear is a healthy emotion that signals physical danger & on an emotional level it touches on something deep & meaningful, something worth exploring, and something worth overcoming! On the other side of fear is learning & growing, not failure! When you learn from your experience you are not a failure, some circumstances are not meant to be & our expectations are not always met & disappointments do occur. Some lessons cost us more than other, but so long as we are learning, changing & growing the only path to sure success, emotional, relational, spiritual, financial, physical success is through fear! The only sure way to move through fear is through the grace of God. Allow God to work in your heart so that you discover your true gifts & then let God give you the power, love & joy to make your creative ideas & dreams a reality for others share & for everyone to enjoy.


  1. jordan kocher

    I find it inspiring that you’ve found such a deep passion for yoga and are willing to take risks to make it your life and career. Most people wouldn’t due to financial scare. I hope one day I too, will find something I’m this passionate about and create an environment for myself and others that I love.

  2. Jamie Liddy

    This speaks to me because I have started my own business as well. I am only 20 years old and in college so money is tight for me. I have a fear that I wont make it far in this and I started to step out of my comfort zone and make a bit of extra cash on the side. Mary Kay is what I have taken up. Another fear i have is talking to people. I have never liked talking to others that I don’t know, so doing facial parties is going to be different for me. I hope that someone is guiding me along my journey to guide me in the right direction.

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