Honoring Others

When we know how to honor ourselves (read Honor Yourself if you haven't already) then we are in a position to truly honor another. No one likes to be on the receiving end of unkind behavior and we have all been unkind to one another.  What I am going to describe now are some yogic and Christian principles that will hopefully help us all be more kind and loving to each other.  With that, hopefully less judgmental of ourselves and…

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I did not expect for a biweekly blog to be so thought provoking and time consuming.  In a positive way of course it just caught me by surprise.  I thought it was reasonable to write two posts a week.  Easy enough, sit for 30 minutes or so and write out something encouraging and thought provoking.  Give people something to think about, heighten peoples awareness as well as my own.  Maybe even educate a person or two to a new thought…

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Honor Yourself

There are several definitions of honor in the Oxford American dictionary, these are the few I think most apply to what I mean when I say honor yourself.  Honor: 1. high respect.  2. adherence to what is right.  3. acknowledge.  I mostly use this term in the yoga classes that I teach.  I think it is equally important on your sticky mats as it is off your sticky mat in our daily lives.  Honoring yourself means, listening to your heart/spirit/higher…

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Finding the Time

So much to do, so little time.  Sound familiar?  Most days that feels like the story of my life.  With a house to clean, a phone to answer, Facebook, a child to care for, a spouse to love, food to cook/buy, bills to pay, a yoga and spiritual practice to nurture (of course in doing so it nurtures & nourishes me as well), writing, working, exercising, having fun, the list could potentially go on forever.  How do we find the…

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